Welcome to the second oldest shooting club in the country

We are an active and supportive club, shooting small bore (.22 rimfire) calibre rifles at our range in Chepstow. We shoot a variety of different rifles and pistols including bolt action, self-loading (semi-automatic), and lever action rifles, as well as long barrel pistols (lbp).

hero image
Man shooting precision with a ruger

Our disciplines

We currently shoot three different disciplines in the club: Gallery, Prone, and Bench Rest. We shoot 3 nights per week and Saturday mornings.

We welcome members who do not wish to shoot in competitions, however our members complete in every discipline in both in-house and national competitions.

Club Equipment is available for members to use, including rifles and slings. Once you have passed probation, you may wish to apply for a Firearms Certificat (FAC) and buy your own rifle.

Man shooting gallery target with a Ruger

Gallery Rifle (GRSB)

Chepstow Rifle Club (CRC) actively participates in Gallery Rifle competitions. At Chepstow these are shot with small bore .22 rimfire at a distance of 20 yards.

Standard Competition

Three targets must be shot for each round. One target is presented for a duration of 10 seconds, the second for 20 seconds, and the last for 150 seconds.

Each target consists of two presentations with 5 rounds shot in each.

Precision Competition

Given a generous time limit, precision competition tests a shooter'/s absolutely control of their body; breathing, tension, body position, and trigger control. Supporting the rifle unaided, this discipline is shot at 20 yards, with the competitor taking their time and whatever steps are required to achieve accuracy.

Mon, Wed 7.00pm - 9.00pm


Prone Rifle is shot at 25 yards at CRC's indoor range and requires the shooter to be lying down on the floor self supporting the rifle. In the summer months those clubs with longer indoor and outdoor ranges hold open competitions held at national and international level, including the Olympic Games.

Prone rifles are normally bolt action.

Thurs 7.30pm - 9.00pm

Prone shooter sillouhetted by the light from the target

Bench Rest

Bench Rest is where a shooter sits at a specifically designed bench resting the foreend of the rifle on a dedicated rest. Since its Introduction it has gone from strength to strength with shooters chasing ultimate accuracy. Many people believe this makes it so easy you can hardly miss, however it is a lot harder than it first appears: especially when chasing that elusive perfect 100 score. We participate in both internal and external competitions at CRC.

Bench Rest is also compatible with wheelchair users and those who cannot hold a rifle unaided.

Mon, Wed 7pm - 9pm, Sat 10am - 12pm