History of Chepstow Rifle Club

The Chepstow Rifle Club was formed in 1900, however, shooting matches were known to be held 70 years prior to this date.

The club was formed by Fred Hammond and its continued success is evident today with its membership list spanning several generations.

Originally situated in the Drill Hall yard, in 1986 the CRC built its current range on the site of Chepstow's decomissioned Fire Station.

Some original members of the club, undated photo taken outdoors


The first recording of organised rifle shooting matches held in Chepstow.


The formation of the 1st Monmouthshire Rifle Volunteer Corps.

(The corps was formed by civilians, probably members of an existing club because they would have been the only people owning firearms).


In November the first meeting was held to form a rifle club. This meeting was adjourned to determine local reaction to the suggested formation of such a club.


On the 15th November at the George Hotel, The Chepstow Rifle Club was formed... 96 members at that time.


Affiliated to the N.R.A., the club was shooting full-bore with long Lee-Metford rifles. Original affiliation No. 95.


The club affiliated to the newly constituted Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs - the forerunner of the Nationan Small-bore Rifle Association (N.S.R.A.) - with Affiliation No. 1662.


Shooting took place in various Inns and on Outdoor Ranges in the Chepstow area. In the late 1920’s, Chepstow Rifle Club were allowed by the military to use their indoor small-bore range situated in the Drill Hall yard, Chepstow.

In 1967 Chepstow Urban District Council (U.D.C.) purchased the Drill Hall, the range and other buildings, but the club was allowed to continue using the Range, along with the Air Training Corps. We continued using their range until the club moved to the former Chepstow Fire Station, where a dedicated indoor range was built in 1986.

Centenary Year

Members of Chepstow Rifle Club celebrated its centenary in November 2000. The club missed out on being the oldest UK club by 6 months!

The club has been active during the entire 114 years of its life, even during the war years. We are still very active in small-bore and full bore rifle. We also shoot black powder pistols and full-bore rifle at other dedicated ranges.

In 1975, the National Small Bore Rifle Association awarded the club it’s Golden Award in recognition of 75 unbroken years of shooting sport and the club also received congratulations on it’s Centenary.

Present Day

The club is the second oldest shooting club in the UK, missing out on being the olders club by a mere six months.

The club has been active since its inception, even during the war years. It is now almost exclusively a small bore club. Some members, however, also shoot other disciplines such as black powder pistor and full bore rifle at other dedicated ranges. This is done via membership and affiliation with other clubs and associations.